Tag Archives: lettuce

Vegetable gets mail.

Microsoft Store

Historic First

What arrived on the desk a few days ago could be a historic first for modafinil mankind and comunication with other forms of life possibly orbiting our planet right now! Let us not forget the dangerous times we live in as we digest this ground breaking news. I was contacted recently regarding an unusual letter that was addressed to a leafy friend of mine NASAVeggie.


Immediately thoughts began sprouting up in my mind. Who would even conceive of writing a letter to a head or multiple heads of lettuce? Would Veggie understand what the writer was trying to convey? Veggie has been under a lot of pressure lately with competition outside the hull plus the Russians are eating at such an aggressive rate! Is this safe?  What would you
prednisone lettuce say?

LEGO The Lord of the Rings

Turns out this letter was to thank NASAVeggie for supporting a security company lisinopril that recently put out an amazing new product called Clef.  More about Clef can be found on their web site GetClef.com.  Veggie was surprisingly short on words when asked about the new application that aims to help WordPress users to stop typing passwords, pharm there but I can tell you as someone who runs multiple websites it is a God send!
NASAVeggie Loves Stickers!

Thanks Clef!