Category Archives: Podcast

TWISMinion Hangout – September 4, 2014

Microsoft Store

TWISMinion Science Island 9.4.14

1 – Quantum control of molecules for ultra-fast computers: Single laser stops xanax molecular tumbling motion instantly.

2 – Time Travel Simulation Resolves “Grandfather Paradox”.

3 – Global warming: How rising alpine vegetation could hit California water supply.

4 – What would our homes look like ativan if designed around how we use them?

LEGO The Lord of the Rings

5 – Cheer up! 5 trends from the past 10 years that should make modafinil you happy!

6 – Early cerebellum injury hinders neural development, find possible root of autism.

7 – Investigational drug poised to change cardiology.

8 – Scientist discover how to “switch off” autoimmune diseases.

9 – Ebola drug trials set to begin amid crisis.

#TWISMinion Science Island 8.28.14.

#TWISMinion Science Island 8.28.14.

 Do we live in a 2-D hologram?


Einsteins Thought Experiments

 LEGO The Lord of the Rings

Xbox One Madden NFL for $59.99 before its release date on 8/26. Pre-order now and get a $10 Xbox gift card digital code.* Plus, get it the day it's released when you pre-order by 2PM PDT on 8/22.

1 – Do we live in a 2-D Universe?

2 – Will the next war with Canada be a fight over water?

3 – The Differences Between The Diseases We Donate To, And The Diseases That Kill Us

4 – Climate change could see dengue fever come to Europe

5 – Brazil considers transgenic trees. Genetically modified eucalyptus could be a global test case.

6 – Entangled photons make a picture from a paradox. Quantum imaging outlines objects with light that does not interact with them.

7 – Long-sought neutrinos answer burning question about the Sun

8 – New prosthetic leg. Implant attached to bone in pioneering technique that helps prevent infection and discomfort.


#TWISMinion Podcast 7.21.14

Microsoft Store

#TWISMinion Science Island 7.21.2014

The Neanderthal Survival game

Antarctica’s Secret Lakes
Lakes under the ice: Antarctica’s neurontin secret garden from News

How to eat everything by josh treuhaft on Vimeo from


Xbox One Madden NFL for $59.99 before its release date on 8/26. Pre-order now and get a $10 Xbox gift card digital code.* Plus, get it the day it's released when you pre-order by 2PM PDT on 8/22.

New Personal Data Tool
Tool to make clomid Online Personal Data More Transparent via

Regrowth of Brain Cells?
Turning blood cells into ambien brain cells via

How Children Memorize
Stanford study used brain scans to research memory in children via

Ozone Depleting compounds compound.

NASA’s research on the Earth’s Atmosphere via